Thursday, November 10, 2005

Proud of my Rotary Club

Today, I made a pitch to my Rotary club to raise funds for relief in Pakistan from the earthquake. This has been a terrible disaster that has already killed thousands and may kill even more as winter sets in.

Rotary is a great organization where clubs work together to aid those less fortunate. In our 101st year, we have seen quite a bit of natural disasters. Rotary has stepped up to the plate. Spefically, so has my club.

I am very proud of them. Our foundation board approved sending $5,000 to the affected areas directly. Today, in a matter of 20 minutes, I raised more than $6,000 additional from our club members.

This isn't the first time I have seen these fine men and women dig deep to help. After Hurricane Katrina, they quickly passed the hat and raised a good bit of money that went to the Salvation Army.

After the Tsunami, our club raised better than $25,000 in a matter of a week.

Bad things happen, but how we deal with them defines who we are. I am proud to say that I am a past-President of the Waynesboro Noon Rotary Club in District 7570.

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